Carriers are common, and family history is not a predictor

Family history: not a predictor
88% of carriers of cystic fibrosis (CF), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), and fragile X syndrome have no known family history1

Carrier frequency
1 in 7* people are carriers when screened with the Horizon 14 standard panel2

Combined incidence
1 in 634 babies are affected by one of the conditions in the Horizon 14 standard panel2

Information about genetic carrier screening should be provided to every pregnant woman.3
Carrier screening facilitates informed decision-making and early preparation

- Get genetic counseling
- Pursue alternative reproductive options

- Undergo diagnostic testing
- Assemble an appropriate care team and specialist facility for delivery
- Plan financially and prepare emotionally

- Access early interventions including FDA-approved treatment and clinical trials

Advanced technology meets support for your patients and practice
Horizon carrier screening leverages next-generation sequencing technology to give your patients comprehensive insights on their risk of passing on serious genetic conditions. Horizon combines actionable results with support resources tailored for your patients and practice.
High detection rates

Cystic fibrosis
Targeted analysis can miss up to 44% of carriers detected by Horizon.2

Spinal muscular atrophy
Traditional screening misses ~60% of patients Horizon identifies as at risk.2,4

CBC (complete blood count) and electrophoresis testing alone could miss 90% of alpha- and 6% of beta-hemoglobinopathy carriers detected by Horizon.2
Comprehensive support

Panorama Horizon Combo Kit requires only one blood draw, requisition form, and kit for two ACOG-supported tests.

The Patient Call-Out Program (PCOP) delivers results and provides interactive genetic education via NEVA (Natera’s Educational Virtual Assistant), available 24/7.

Partner Testing
Partner Auto-Enroll (PAE) streamlines your workflow for testing partners of patients with positive Horizon results.
Is Horizon right for you?
We’re here to help you find out
*Excludes at-risk silent SMA carriers and fragile X carriers with intermediate CGG repeat size.
1Archibald et al. Genet Med. 2018;20:513-523.
2Westemeyer et al. Genet Med. 2020;22(8):1320-28.
3American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Committee Opinion #691, March 2017.
4Prior and Professional Practice Guidelines Committee. Genet Med. 2008;10:840–842.