Fragile X screening with HorizonTM
Fragile X syndrome is the most common inherited cause of intellectual differences. Carriers can also experience symptoms, such as infertility, diminished ovarian reserve, and shortened reproductive life span.
Carrier screening for fragile X can identify your patients’ risk of having an affected child and provide insight into their own health. Horizon provides an accurate fragile X risk assessment.

A mother who received carrier screening while pregnant with her second child
View Our Webinar:
A Future to Shape: Shortening the Path to a Fragile X Diagnosis
Listen to Vanessa, whose first son was diagnosed with fragile X while she was pregnant with her second and went on to have three healthy sons, and Dr. Deby Barbouth, a geneticist who leads an interdisciplinary team focused on treating children with fragile X. They will discuss how carrier screening can shorten the path to diagnosis and inform later reproductive decisions.
Vanessa Chartouni-de la Serna, PhDFragile X carrier and mother of 4 boys; Miami, FL
Deborah Barbouth, MDPediatric geneticist at the South Florida Fragile X Clinic, University of Miami, FL
Learn More About Horizon
All carrier screening is not equal, and choosing the right test for your patients is critical. Horizon provides an accurate fragile X risk assessment by including AGG reflex testing. Learn how Horizon leverages advanced technology and unmatched support to help you and your patients.